With an emphasis on fundamental socioeconomic improvements and better income distribution, it is crucial to rebuild and strengthen the resilience of social institutions and communities for sustainable human development in order to address the crisis in the area. International development and humanitarian players are brought together via the Regional Working Group on Resilience. In addition to informing policies and strategic engagement towards resilience development, it offers a forum for knowledge-sharing, collaborative analysis, and collaborative programming. The overarching goal of the United Nations Energy Offer is to eliminate poverty and promote sustainable socioeconomic growth by expanding access to clean energy in rural regions, which have enormous potential to spur economic growth and the transformation of agriculture, as well as to generate green jobs, particularly for young men and women. The overarching goal of the United Nations Energy Offer is to eliminate poverty and promote sustainable socioeconomic growth by expanding access to clean energy in rural regions, which have enormous potential to spur economic growth and the transformation of agriculture, as well as to generate green jobs, particularly for young men and women. Fragile communities in peri-urban locations are also taken into account.