Climate Risk Profile: Sahel (UNHCR, UN Sahel)
The UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS) calls for focused effort to improve resilience in the Sahel due to…
Capacity Building in Northern Africa
The UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS) calls for focused effort to improve resilience in the Sahel due to…
The report, which focuses on climate change and its specific effects on the lived experiences of teenage girls and young…
Due to human-caused climate change, the likelihood of unusually high temperatures during the next four days (March 4-8) in Burkina…
Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) is a collection of social protection policies, procedures, and initiatives that support the poorest people’s resilience,…
“Against backdrop of political instability, civil society organisations in the four countries coveredby this study – and human rights defenders…
“Dans contexte d’instabilité politique, les organisations de la société civile dans les quatre payscouverts par l’étude, ainsi que les défenseur·es…
In addition to guiding the required transformation of the livestock industry in West Africa, pastoral systems must be protected for…
Insurgents attack transportation networks because they are essential to state sovereignty, economic activity, and government. While governments rely on these…
The World Bank’s dedication to enhancing people’s livelihoods by reestablishing the social contract via improved service delivery in the Central…
The Sahel can bridge the gap between rural and urban areas and narrow the energy gap via collaborations, creative incentives,…
In order to propose a georisks adaptive governance framework that takes geoethical principles into account, this study conceptually reviews the…
Glimpse: Using literature and survey data from Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Senegal, the study examines the present uptake of…