How stakeholder capitalism could aid recovery in the Sahel region of Africa (World Economic Forum)
“At first glance, particularly when viewed from the comfort of European capitals, it may not be readily apparent what multi-stakeholder… |
Capacity Building in Northern Africa
“At first glance, particularly when viewed from the comfort of European capitals, it may not be readily apparent what multi-stakeholder…
“Do Sahelian countries face specific risks of water-related conflict Sahelian countries face growing fragility and climate challenges—especially those belonging to…
“The Sahelian countries (CILSS) are among the poorest countries in the world with the most degraded environments. They are also…
“Across the Sahel region, conflicts are growing more frequent and volatile along seasonal grazing routes between nomadic groups and farming…
“Regional integration is key to economic development and political stability in the Sahel. Livestock mobility and trade strengthen regional integration…
“Public health, more specifically population and community health, is directly dependent on adjacent environmental factors, and an increasingly erratic climate…
“The recent rise in food crises in West Africa is due to a marked fall in local food production and…
“The SIPRI authors identify three mechanisms that contribute to whether these peacebuilding efforts have the potential for success. First is…
“The impact of a desert locust invasion may cause nearly 13.4 million people to suffer from acute levels of food…
“The dual objectives of this report on the G5 Sahel region are to: (i) do a high-level analysis of water…
“However, there is agreement that climate change will cause temperatures rising 1.5 times faster than the global average, according to…
“Based largely on qualitative interviews, and complementary household surveys, the paper draws on the concepts of ‘mental’ and ‘cognised’ models…